Proper irrigation management provides adequate moisture to crops while helping keep water, soil sediments, and nutrients in the field.

Nitrate-nitrogen (NO3 – N) from fertilizer is extremely soluble and moves readily with irrigation water.

Phosphorus is relatively insoluble in water but is attached to soil sediments that may be carried away by irrigation water.  

Irrigation System BMPs

  • Install improved irrigation systems to improve irrigation efficiency and uniformity.  
  • Check and maintain irrigation systems regularly. 
  • Test sprinklers periodically for depth of application, pressure, and uniformity. 
  • Line irrigation water delivery ditches and install pipelines to convey water to reduce seepage losses.





Chart - Typical Application Efficiencies of Irrigation Systems

Irrigation Scheduling BMPs

Screenshot of CSU WISE Irrigation Scheduler AppView



  • Schedule irrigation based on plant or soil factors:
    • Plant-based scheduling
      • Visual appearance
      • Canopy sensors
      • Evapotranspiration estimation:  weather stations; atmometers; remote sensing
    • Soil-based scheduling
      • Hand-feel
      • Probes
      • Sensors
  • Utilize irrigation scheduling tools



What are best management practices (BMPs)?


Best management practices, or BMPs, are recommended structures, methods, and practices designed to protect water quality.  BMPs can provide environmental, agronomic, and economic benefits.

The cost, economic return, ease of implementation, and overall effectiveness will vary from practice to practice.  Recommended BMPs may include already widely accepted and utilized agricultural practices.

Every farm is unique and requires a particular combination of practices that meets the needs of the land and the producer.

Why is irrigation management important to managing nutrients and other water quality issues?


Proper irrigation management provides adequate moisture to crops while helping keep water, soil sediments, nutrients, and other chemicals in the field.  Nitrogen and phosphorus can be soluble in water and carried away into surface water and groundwater.

What is irrigation uniformity?


A measure of how evenly irrigation water is applied across a crop area.