Installed Field Equipment

  • Teledyne ISCO (2x)
    • Outlet into Little Thompson River
      • Avalanche (refrigerated sampler)
    • Inflow into filter strip
      • Teledyne 6712
    • H – Flumes (1x)
      • Filter strip outflow
      • Open channel flow 1.5 H flumes
  • Ramp Flume (3x)
    • Filter strip inflow
    • Tailwater ditches upstream of ditches
  • Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge (1x)
    • Installed south of filter strip
    • 01 inch per tip
  • Evapotranspiration Gauge (1x)
    • Installed south of filter strip
  • Water Marks (9x)
    • Located West, East, and Center of filter strip
    • 3 depths
      • 0-8 in
      • 8-18 in
      • 18-30 in

For specific guidance please contact your local NRCS or project staff.